Let’s go on a mini tour of Trader Joe’s together, shall we?? I have been an avid shopper at TJ’s for the last 10+ years – while they don’t have everything that I’m looking for (therefore I do a lot of my grocery shopping at Costco and sometimes other places as well), they do have certain products that I absolutely love and would be sad to live without! I thought I would share ten of my favorite Trader Joe’s products – keep in mind that while the post says “top 10,” there are really too many favorites to choose from!! Hopefully you will find a new favorite food item to enjoy from this list!

I was recently introduced to this amazing toscano cheese which quickly became a new favorite. I recommend pairing it with some fig and olive crisps or your other favorite TJ’s cracker of choice!


Hello everyone! How has your week been going?? We went camping in Mackinaw City over the weekend which was fun minus the black flies that were swarming all over near the water (apparently they arrived early this year a couple of days before we got there, causing us to miss out on our waterfront campsite! :/). We went hiking and enjoyed the views near the bridge. It was also a bit cold and felt more like fall!


We have all likely noticed from experience that when something we want or need is in short supply, or even perceived to be in short supply, we can become anxious or obsessive in our thinking about the thing that is limited (or perceived to be limited). This can apply to many areas of our lives, whether it is money, time, relationships, food, clothing, or other material items.

I know for me, I find myself struggling with this a lot in the area of time. I tend to too often live in this perpetual “emergency, fight-or-flight state” of feeling like I don’t have enough time, even though there is generally plenty of time to do the things that I want or at least need to do. When I feel like time is in short supply I end up feeling anxious and obsessive about time. This leads to unpleasant side effects like jam-packing my days, running through the day at too fast a pace, and a lack of margin, rest, and presence. When I was studying for my RD exam, I perceived and experienced such scarcity of time (whether that was self-induced or not is another question…) that even when I had a bit of time to rest on the weekends it was hard for me to fully rest and relax because I was anxiously and obsessively worrying about the lack of adequate time to rest!

This type of thinking is what can be thought of as a scarcity mindset. A scarcity mindset is when you are experiencing or perceiving a lack of something, leading to obsessive thinking about the thing that is limited (in actuality or in your perception). While time is one of the biggest ways I experience this now, I certainly used to experience this a lot with FOOD and still can from time to time (albeit in more normal and at times, unavoidable ways).


Happy Tuesday! It has been so nice finally having some sun this week after several weeks of cold, rainy, and cloudy weather – such a terrible start to spring! Although now it is supposed to get up into the 80s (at least in Michigan) this week which is a bit hot for May in my opinion!! Can we not just have a few weeks of 60s and low 70s?? But as long as it stays sunny that is most important weather-wise in my opinion! I have enjoyed getting outside in the morning and hopefully catching the sunrise while I am out running or walking. I am also enjoying having some more time for cooking and baking now that I am done with my internship and exam! Here are some tasty eats from the past couple weeks!

Very delicious key lime cheesecake that I made for Mother’s Day! I have never been the biggest fan of key lime pie, but key lime cheesecake was a whole other level!


So…I finished my dietetic internship and passed my RD exam! I’M SO HAPPY TO BE DONE STUDYING FOR MY TEST. And to finally be an RD!

I haven’t been posting on the blog for the past couple of months because life got so busy towards the end of my internship and with studying that I had to let some things go. I am excited to be back to posting regularly!

What’s next?? You may have noticed that there is now a “work with me” tab at the top of the blog, as I am going to be working on opening my private practice! Coming soon…

Libby Stenzel Nutrition will be focused primarily on helping others heal from eating disorders and disordered eating. I will see clients virtually at least to start (this will also always be an option), so location need not be a barrier! Be on the lookout for details regarding my services in the coming months.

In addition to working on the blog and business, I will be back working at Juicy Kitchen. Come see us for a delicious breakfast or lunch if you are in the Ann Arbor area!

That is all for now – looking forward to connecting more in the coming months!

Over the years I have read several books and many articles online about tips for improving hormonal health that seem to make things overly complicated, in my opinion, and potentially, when followed, end up doing more harm than good. These protocols advocate for eating only a very specific list of foods in addition to suggesting very specific forms of exercise and other life habits for each phase of your cycle. While I think there is some truth to these suggestions (for example, basic principles like eating iron-rich foods like red meat and doing lower intensity exercise when you are on your period) that can be helpful, I generally think extensive, black-and-white protocols like this way overcomplicate things, adding unnecessary stress, rigidity, and confusion. This is the LAST thing you want if you are having hormonal problems, as the root of a lot of hormonal imbalance issues is unhealthy stress (in any and all forms – physical, mental, emotional, environmental etc.).

SO… in the spirit of making things LESS complicated and hopefully MORE effective, I have for you in this post ten of my top tips for hormonal health. Between an eating disorder, recovering from an eating disorder, lots of other life stress throughout college and beyond, and genetic predispositions to certain hormonal issues, I have (unfortunately in many ways!) plenty of experience dealing with hormonal imbalance myself. NOT FUN as hormones affect basically everything.


Happy Wednesday! I just finished my Food Gatherers rotation last week and am now on to five weeks of a clinical inpatient rotation with Michigan Medicine focused on pediatric intensive care nutrition. Second-to-last rotation! On to some delicious eats from the past few weeks.

This smoothie is definitely my new favorite. Actually tastes like a snickerdoodle or tahini date cookie. You must give it a try! I also add a big spoonful of whole milk yogurt and vanilla protein powder. A fabulous way to start the day!



A few weeks ago I made candles for the first time!

I have been slowly getting into various DIY food/home-related hobbies which I am realizing more and more that I enjoy. Last year the main “projects” I learned were making homemade sourdough and sauerkraut, which I now do regularly. Next up I decided I wanted to try making my own candles. This idea originated mainly because I am really sensitive to artificial scents and, while I love candles, it is hard to find candles that don’t have a smell that gives me a headache and aren’t full of ingredients I don’t want circulating in the air at home. SO… I bought these glass jars, this set of candle-making tools, and this organic beeswax. Creating this basic candle in the photo was surprisingly easy! I want to get a bit fancier with adding dried flowers, herbs, essential oils, etc. Other upcoming ideas I have for new projects I want to gradually incorporate in the future include making homemade soap, cider, and yogurt.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and were able to spend time with friends and family. I always find the week after New Year’s a bit challenging in terms of getting back into normal rhythms and routines and no longer having the Christmas season to look forward to. Anyone else??

The holiday season got me thinking about wanting to write a brief post on “healthy foods.” What comes to mind for you when you think of healthy foods or eating healthy?

I tend to hear more comments at the holidays about foods being healthy or unhealthy, good or bad. It seems when people make these sort of black-and-white comments, the general consensus I notice is that they are referring to a food being (1) relatively low in calories (such as a salad automatically being healthier than a burger) or (2) relatively nutrient-dense (such as a carrot automatically being healthier than pretzels). People may feel guilty after eating a food they deem bad and may feel the need to compensate in some way (for example, through restriction at the next meal or increased exercise).


Hello! Today I wanted to share a “day in the life” type post… so read on if you are interested in seeing more of what my days often look like and more of what I have been up to in my eating disorder rotation! I know I enjoy reading these types of posts and have found it helpful to read what other dietitians’ or dietetic interns’ days are generally like. I am writing this a few days in advance, so this was my day last week on Wednesday!

5am: Wakeup! I like to wake up early so I have time to do the things I like to do before starting my work day – this helps me to feel energized and ready to go for the day! When I get up, I get on my running clothes and go downstairs to have an energy bite with some almond milk for a snack as otherwise I would get way too hungry since I don’t have breakfast till a bit later.

5:10-5:30am: After my snack, I sit in my favorite spot (next to the Christmas tree) to read my Bible and pray. I am doing a Bible reading plan that would take you through the Bible in one year but I am doing it in two years so the amount of reading each day is more doable for me right now!
