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Happy Wednesday!

This week I have been loving how it is getting noticeably lighter earlier in the morning. Sad that we will take a step back with this when we spring forward in a few weeks! :/

This weekend I have plans to visit a friend on Friday, potentially am going out to dinner with Alec for Indian (his favorite), and working on some projects/to-dos at home on Saturday. We are having my family over for Michigan basketball + dinner on Sunday. I’m also looking forward to getting in a couple walks and/or runs outside!

What are you up to this weekend??

Onward to some recent eats from the past couple of weeks!


Imagine a scenario such as the following. You used to get your period regularly but haven’t had your period for quite some time (anywhere from ~3 months – a decade or more). You make an appointment with your doctor to inquire why this may be and/or what can be done about it. Without taking the time to ask important and relevant questions regarding lifestyle factors like your stress level, nutrition, exercise, and sleep, your doctor prescribes you the birth control pill to “solve” your period problem. Take this and you’ll have a regular cycle, clear skin, and balanced hormones — problem solved! 

Fast forward several years to when you decide you want to get off the pill for whatever reason. Maybe you decide to go off it because you want to hopefully start having kids soon. Or maybe you want to be done taking a pill every day given that you’ve heard there may be negative side effects associated with it. The months go by and… low and behold, no period! Only now the situation is even more dire and stressful than before, due to increased confusion as to what could be wrong, length of time spent on the pill, and possibly even a strong desire to start a family soon.

Unfortunately, this type of situation is all too common!

I can relate, and I know several of my clients, a number of my friends, and many other women whose stories I have read about on the Internet can, too.


Hello, everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. Last week was extremely cold here in Michigan!

Definitely warming up a bit this week. Which I’m not sure how I feel about since it will probably go back to being cold and snowy. I don’t love the temperature fluctuations and resulting ice/slush!

What do you like to do during winter to keep the season more enjoyable/interesting?? I find myself reading + cooking more, watching college basketball, getting to bed earlier… nothing too exciting but that is how I often roll!

Here to inspire you in the kitchen with some recent cold weather eats!


This chocolate raspberry pudding is the perfect easy-to-make dessert combining just the right amount of sweetness with a delectably creamy base thanks to the key ingredient – avocados! Give this recipe a try for a tasty February treat. 

February has me feeling all about the chocolate + raspberry dessert recipes… anyone else?? For my fellow chocolate aficionados, look no further for your future dessert needs than this luscious chocolate raspberry avocado pudding!

If you are skeptical about your avocados mixing with your puddings, I hear your concern! HOWEVER, do not fret, as I would not steer you wrong when it comes to dessert. You really can’t taste the avocado – its sole purpose is to serve as the creamy base for all the flavor goodness!

In addition to tasting amazing, this avocado pudding also has some valuable nutrition highlights. I feel it is my dietitian duty to give you the inside scoop!

Nutrition benefits of this creamy chocolate raspberry avocado pudding:


Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday. How is your week going so far?

We finally had some sun here yesterday. I can’t remember the last time I saw blueish skies when I was out running! I didn’t sleep very well the night before so was grateful for the sunshine throughout the morning that helped with giving me some much needed energy!

This past weekend I spent time with a good friend, went to another friend’s 30th birthday party, and then Sunday was usual church activities and Michigan basketball. I find that having some fun plans to look forward to throughout the month is so helpful for the winter months especially!

Some recent eats from the past couple of weeks!


Hi everyone! How is your week going so far? We are getting back into the swing of things after being out of town in Arizona this past weekend with Alec’s side of the family. Unfortunately the weather was pretty bad as far as Phoenix typically goes. 50s and cloudy/rainy. I had my headband and gloves in my backpack from when we were leaving Michigan and didn’t anticipate needing them on the trip!! Lol.

We hiked the Pinnacle Peak trail on Sunday morning which was fun (despite the cold rain). I’m sure normally the trail would have been pretty crowded, but we were basically the only people on the trail for most of our hike. Weather is all about perspective! #Michiganders

Conversations I have had recently with clients as well as my own recent travel sparked the idea for today’s blog post. While I love traveling on occasion, sometimes food in general + eating intuitively can be a challenge, whether we are at the airport, in the car, or at our destination.

Potential challenges might include:
— Crossing time zones (is it breakfast again?? or lunch??)
— Not having access to usual / preferred foods
— Not knowing exactly when your next meal may come or what it will be (especially if traveling with others, staying at someone else’s house, etc.)
— Random curveballs (sitting in unexpectedly long traffic, canceled or delayed flight, extremely long restaurant wait, not knowing the area, etc.)
— The general stress of travel (can lead to poor sleep, constipation and other GI distress, hormones more out of whack, etc.)

And many more challenges I’m sure you have experienced or could think of! Typing this out alone is already stressing me as less than optimal previous travel experiences come to mind.

What are some tips and strategies we can consider using to address some of these challenges and help with seeking to eat in a way that feels good to us while traveling? Consider keeping these ideas in your back pocket for the next time you are preparing for a flight or long car ride, staying at a friend or family member’s house, or just going out for the day running errands!

Some ideas for the challenges of travel + nourishing our minds/bodies: 


Happy Wednesday! We have FINALLY gotten a *rather small but appreciated* amount of sun here in Michigan the past day or two. I actually saw the sunset out our front window yesterday evening for the first time in weeks! I like the “natural bookends” to the day that the sunrises/sunsets give, rather than the usual grey and cloudy skies all day long.

We enjoyed the weekend celebrating my dad’s birthday, (me) spending time with my best friend from college, and our usual church activities on Sunday… also sadly witnessing the Lions fail to make the playoffs and continuing to block out Michigan’s horrifying football loss from memory!! (Will not even go there. Lol).

I made this cake for my dad’s bday and it was rather tasty if you are ever in need of a good chocolate cake recipe! (And who isn’t??). Much more moist than other recipes I have tried in the past as far as chocolate cake goes. Topped with a chocolate cream cheese frosting for the win.

Before we get into today’s tasty eats recap, I wanted to briefly mention that I have space for several new clients as we kick off 2023! I know the holidays tend to bring up a lot as far as food + exercise + body image go. January is a great time to reach out if you are looking to work on healing your relationship with food and your overall health this year. If you have been thinking of reaching out, I would love to work with you!

On to some delish eats from the recent weeks!


Welcome, 2023! Crazy that we are already starting another new year.

While there is obviously nothing “magical” about starting a new year, I personally often find the beginning of January to be a relatively encouraging and hopeful time. It feels encouraging to me to think about the year ahead, what it could hold, ways in which I want to grow, etc. I feel inspired thinking about what I can focus on in my own life despite what may be going on outside my personal sphere.

I am not one to make new year’s resolutions, but I do like to take time at the end of the year and start of a new year to reflect on the past year and consider ways I want to grow, be intentional, and engage with life more broadly-speaking going forward. I consider it a time to pause, “take stock” of how life is going, and think through ways I want to move forward in greater alignment with my values and desires.

I’m sure that you have already likely seen no shortage of resolution-type posts or articles on the Internet related to the best way to diet/eat, lose weight, change your body size, or exercise more effectively in 2023. Maybe you have seen segments on TV related to this or have heard a friend or family member express their intention to lose _____ amount of pounds, try the _____ diet, or up their exercise by doing ______.

I don’t think the intentions behind these pursuits are necessarily all problematic… I can understand and relate to what is in at least some ways likely a desire to feel healthier in one’s body and to take care of oneself physically. This is a great intention (on its own) in my opinion! What I don’t promote or agree with is what I often see as “quick-fix” solutions to food/exercise/body issues and/or the focus on physical appearance as a direct outcome at the expense of one’s overall health and well-being.

I am much more in favor of focusing on life-giving, sustainable behavior changes that consider ALL aspects of health and well-being – mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual included. I am a fan of ADDING foods whenever possible, not restricting. Exercising and moving one’s body in ways that bring JOY, not obligation. Eating in ways that bring SATISFACTION and NOURISHMENT, not constantly looking for the “healthiest” (typically code for low cal, low fat, or low carb) option. (A method that is sure to backfire).

In the spirit of thinking about health and well-being in a well-rounded way, here are ten intentions to consider pursuing in 2023 that DON’T involve restrictive dieting or directly focusing on manipulating/controlling your body size. Instead, consider joining me in focusing on doable changes that may bring you greater LIFE, JOY, and OVERALL HEALTH. Maybe one or all of these ideas will spark further thought and ongoing interest for you this year. You may want to grab a journal for whatever thoughts come to mind!
