Tag: reflection

Welcome, 2023! Crazy that we are already starting another new year.

While there is obviously nothing “magical” about starting a new year, I personally often find the beginning of January to be a relatively encouraging and hopeful time. It feels encouraging to me to think about the year ahead, what it could hold, ways in which I want to grow, etc. I feel inspired thinking about what I can focus on in my own life despite what may be going on outside my personal sphere.

I am not one to make new year’s resolutions, but I do like to take time at the end of the year and start of a new year to reflect on the past year and consider ways I want to grow, be intentional, and engage with life more broadly-speaking going forward. I consider it a time to pause, “take stock” of how life is going, and think through ways I want to move forward in greater alignment with my values and desires.

I’m sure that you have already likely seen no shortage of resolution-type posts or articles on the Internet related to the best way to diet/eat, lose weight, change your body size, or exercise more effectively in 2023. Maybe you have seen segments on TV related to this or have heard a friend or family member express their intention to lose _____ amount of pounds, try the _____ diet, or up their exercise by doing ______.

I don’t think the intentions behind these pursuits are necessarily all problematic… I can understand and relate to what is in at least some ways likely a desire to feel healthier in one’s body and to take care of oneself physically. This is a great intention (on its own) in my opinion! What I don’t promote or agree with is what I often see as “quick-fix” solutions to food/exercise/body issues and/or the focus on physical appearance as a direct outcome at the expense of one’s overall health and well-being.

I am much more in favor of focusing on life-giving, sustainable behavior changes that consider ALL aspects of health and well-being – mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual included. I am a fan of ADDING foods whenever possible, not restricting. Exercising and moving one’s body in ways that bring JOY, not obligation. Eating in ways that bring SATISFACTION and NOURISHMENT, not constantly looking for the “healthiest” (typically code for low cal, low fat, or low carb) option. (A method that is sure to backfire).

In the spirit of thinking about health and well-being in a well-rounded way, here are ten intentions to consider pursuing in 2023 that DON’T involve restrictive dieting or directly focusing on manipulating/controlling your body size. Instead, consider joining me in focusing on doable changes that may bring you greater LIFE, JOY, and OVERALL HEALTH. Maybe one or all of these ideas will spark further thought and ongoing interest for you this year. You may want to grab a journal for whatever thoughts come to mind!
