We are well into June — how is your summer going so far??

It seems like every year summer seems to fly by. My life has felt all over the place lately, and I keep having these weird moments where I remember that we are already into June! My mind is still frozen in April mode.

SO — reminding myself it is time to enjoy all the summer produce, all the sunshine, and all the outdoor time with friends and family before I miss it all!

That would certainly be sad. We only get so many sunny days each year in Michigan!

Summer can ALSO be a great time to start reading a bit more! Whether it is at the beach, by the pool, in your backyard, or simply all comfy before bed (like I prefer!), reading can be such a nice way to get your mind off stressful things in life, dive into a topic you are interested in, or learn from the experiences and stories of others — whether real life (memoir, biography, etc) or through fiction.

Below I have 10 ideas for books to add to your (actual or hypothetical) summer reading list! Some of these I have read before, and others I am hoping to read in the coming months.

I’ve compiled a mix of books below — food/body image-related, emotional health-related, one fun fiction read, and a couple of memoirs! Maybe 1 or 2 of them will resonate with you as far as something to check out in the months ahead. 🙂

Note: While I do recommend the mental/emotional health-related books below, I don’t agree with 100% of the thoughts in said books! That is probably obvious, as rarely will we find a book that we wholeheartedly agree with 100%. Most things aren’t that black/white. That being said, I still find them to be useful and helpful in many ways and would read them again / recommend them to others. (With my mini caveats) :). 

Summer Reading List Ideas:
