If you are someone who has lost your period due to inadequate nutrition and/or excessive exercise, it can be hard to know what changes to start making and how aggressively you might need to make them in order for your hormones to recover and your period to come back. Any change can be hard, especially when working on your hormones, as you don’t know for sure to what extent you might need to make changes and for how long.
All of this can feel overwhelming and anxiety-inducing! –> Not knowing how your body might change, what exercise might look like in the future, what eating changes you might need to make, or even how much weight you might need to gain.
What was most helpful for me in my own journey was continually returning my thoughts to the idea that whatever changes I would need to make and for however long I would need to sustain them would be worth it for the sake of my overall health and ability to exercise in a healthy way in the future. I needed to trust that my period would return given enough time and commitment to nutrition/stress/exercise changes.
In my experience, how long it takes for someone’s period to return generally depends on (1) how long it has been gone to begin with, (2) how “aggressively” someone is making changes on the nutrition/exercise/stress front, and (3) what other underlying factors may be going on.
If you are wrestling with hormonal / missing period challenges, here are 4 key changes to consider TODAY to jumpstart your period recovery journey!