Tag: life update

Hello friends!

How is your week going so far? I think May + June and September + October are my favorite months! I love ALL the long stretches of sunshine I can get… plus the beautiful trees in either peak spring or fall.

I’m sharing a general life post today with some glimpses into a typical week for me… most things in my life tend to be pretty low-key and simple.

I tend to like a lot of routine and simplicity but also need a hefty dose of adventure thrown in there too in order to feel energized and inspired. I very much resonate with this concept of being a “high sensation seeking and highly sensitive person.” (You can also read more about high sensitivity in my blog post here.)

Speaking of adventure and sensation, this week we are perusing and adventuring around Idaho! So this post reflects aspects of a typical week (last week) back at home in Michigan.

Catching up on last week:


So…I finished my dietetic internship and passed my RD exam! I’M SO HAPPY TO BE DONE STUDYING FOR MY TEST. And to finally be an RD!

I haven’t been posting on the blog for the past couple of months because life got so busy towards the end of my internship and with studying that I had to let some things go. I am excited to be back to posting regularly!

What’s next?? You may have noticed that there is now a “work with me” tab at the top of the blog, as I am going to be working on opening my private practice! Coming soon…

Libby Stenzel Nutrition will be focused primarily on helping others heal from eating disorders and disordered eating. I will see clients virtually at least to start (this will also always be an option), so location need not be a barrier! Be on the lookout for details regarding my services in the coming months.

In addition to working on the blog and business, I will be back working at Juicy Kitchen. Come see us for a delicious breakfast or lunch if you are in the Ann Arbor area!

That is all for now – looking forward to connecting more in the coming months!

Happy Monday! I am finally back to blogging after taking a few weeks off. We went to St. Augustine a few weeks ago with Alec’s side of the family which we really enjoyed! I had never been to that part of Florida before so it was fun to see/explore.

I especially enjoyed all the fresh seafood, running on the beach in the morning (more like run/walking since it was extremely hot/humid), exploring downtown St. Augustine, and spending time with family.


Hello! I hope you are having a nice week and enjoying the spring weather! I love this time of year with the longer amount of daylight and milder temps here in Michigan. I’ve been enjoying getting out on runs/walks and waking up earlier with it being bright out earlier. I’ve got some delicious eats to share today to hopefully inspire you in the kitchen! Also some life updates!


Usual breakfast of oatmeal topped with nut butter (almond butter) and fruit. However, I finally switched up my oatmeal game the past couple weeks! (BIG breakfast change for me, haha). I have been making a big batch of steel-cut oatmeal once a week and reheating that throughout the week. Once a week before I go to bed, I add 2 cups of steel-cut oats, 4 cups of almond milk, 4 cups of water, and a dash of salt to my Dutch oven (any large pot will work). I then bring the mixture to a boil, let it boil for a minute or two, turn off the stove, and let it sit overnight. In the morning I give it a brief stir and it is good to go! Store leftovers in the fridge and eat cold or reheat in the microwave.



I used to feel like I really didn’t like winter – mainly because a lot of things feel like more of a hassle. The days are shorter and colder, so it’s harder to get outside. Driving, walking around – any form of heading outside – feels like more of an effort. If you live in the north, you know exactly what I’m talking about. That being said, this year I’m realizing that there are actually a lot of things I do like about winter. This winter, I’ve been especially enjoying the slower pace to life and the darker, cozier evenings where I get into my pajamas early (which I am known to do any time in the afternoon when I know I’m not leaving the house again, lol – anyone else??) and we can enjoy a slower dinner and time for reading, hanging out, or watching a show.

While it can feel harder to get going with runs/walks outside in the cold, I love the peacefulness/quiet feel of the snow and colder mornings. The sunrises and sunsets have also been beautiful lately.


Hi everyone!

As I get started with the blog, I wanted to give a life update in terms of what I’m currently up to. It’s crazy to believe it’s my last semester of school (likely ever)! As you may know from reading the About page, I am in grad school at the University of Michigan School of Public Health studying to be an R.D. I will finish my Master’s degree in nutritional sciences this spring, and then will start my dietetic internship in July. Once I finish my internship (which will take about 8 months or so) and take the R.D. exam, I will officially be licensed and able to start working as a dietitian!

Despite my program being totally online the past year due to COVID, it has been a really great experience overall. Thankfully, the material and work that we learn/do in nutrition is relatively transferrable to a virtual format (since we aren’t trying to do any labs or much hands-on work). While I’ve missed the in-person interaction with my professors and classmates and being on campus in general, there have been a number of positives to working from home. I’m definitely more efficient working from home and feel like I spend less time overall working on school than I used to. I also used to have about a 45 minute commute (I live only about 6 miles away from campus but would take the bus since parking is so expensive/frustrating) so that also saves a lot of time. That being said, while school still keeps me quite busy, I’ve appreciated the extra time that I have to devote to other areas of my life!

New desk setup with desk riser to help avoid back pain from sitting so much!
