Today we are talking about different factors that go into eating decisions BEYOND just our hunger and fullness cues.

(Note: I wrote a similar blog post on this topic about a year ago. If you’d like to read my previous post, here it is). 

Listening to our hunger cues is important. If we are hungry, this is a clear sign our bodies are in need of nourishment. No questions asked! We are also more likely to feel satisfied with our eating when we eat when we are reasonably hungry most of the time.

That being said, there are also other factors to take into consideration when it comes to the “when” and the “how much” of eating.

From my perspective, especially for teens and younger adults, if you ONLY eat when you are hungry, you are probably not eating enough!

Not eating enough can lead to a slowed metabolism, hormone imbalances, loss of a period, lack of energy for sports/studying/daily life, and a chaotic/obsessive relationship with food.

IF you are looking to avoid these outcomes, I recommend considering whether you are truly eating enough each day. This likely means eating beyond what hunger cues alone would lead you to eat.

What might those other factors be? That’s where today’s blog post comes in!
