Tag: hormones

Imagine a scenario such as the following. You used to get your period regularly but haven’t had your period for quite some time (anywhere from ~3 months – a decade or more). You make an appointment with your doctor to inquire why this may be and/or what can be done about it. Without taking the time to ask important and relevant questions regarding lifestyle factors like your stress level, nutrition, exercise, and sleep, your doctor prescribes you the birth control pill to “solve” your period problem. Take this and you’ll have a regular cycle, clear skin, and balanced hormones — problem solved! 

Fast forward several years to when you decide you want to get off the pill for whatever reason. Maybe you decide to go off it because you want to hopefully start having kids soon. Or maybe you want to be done taking a pill every day given that you’ve heard there may be negative side effects associated with it. The months go by and… low and behold, no period! Only now the situation is even more dire and stressful than before, due to increased confusion as to what could be wrong, length of time spent on the pill, and possibly even a strong desire to start a family soon.

Unfortunately, this type of situation is all too common!

I can relate, and I know several of my clients, a number of my friends, and many other women whose stories I have read about on the Internet can, too.


Over the years I have read several books and many articles online about tips for improving hormonal health that seem to make things overly complicated, in my opinion, and potentially, when followed, end up doing more harm than good. These protocols advocate for eating only a very specific list of foods in addition to suggesting very specific forms of exercise and other life habits for each phase of your cycle. While I think there is some truth to these suggestions (for example, basic principles like eating iron-rich foods like red meat and doing lower intensity exercise when you are on your period) that can be helpful, I generally think extensive, black-and-white protocols like this way overcomplicate things, adding unnecessary stress, rigidity, and confusion. This is the LAST thing you want if you are having hormonal problems, as the root of a lot of hormonal imbalance issues is unhealthy stress (in any and all forms – physical, mental, emotional, environmental etc.).

SO… in the spirit of making things LESS complicated and hopefully MORE effective, I have for you in this post ten of my top tips for hormonal health. Between an eating disorder, recovering from an eating disorder, lots of other life stress throughout college and beyond, and genetic predispositions to certain hormonal issues, I have (unfortunately in many ways!) plenty of experience dealing with hormonal imbalance myself. NOT FUN as hormones affect basically everything.
