Happy Thanksgiving + Gratitude for Food

Happy day-before-Thanksgiving! What are your plans for the holiday? We will be spending the day with my side of the family – I will be running the Turkey Trot in downtown Detroit with my dad in the morning like we usually do, and then we will all watch the Lions game (who will probably lose in typical fashion) before enjoying our Thanksgiving feast some time in the late afternoon / early evening! I enjoy the entire spread of Thanksgiving food, but am always most looking forward to the cranberry sauce and stuffing!

Then… we have the Michigan-Ohio State game on Saturday. Go Blue!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and since I talk a lot about food on this blog, I thought I’d share 10 reasons I am grateful for food!

10 Reasons I am Grateful for Food: 

  1. Food brings us together. One of the main reasons I am grateful for food is because I love how it is such a strong way to bring people together and build connections with others. Whether it is a special holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas, a simple weeknight dinner with friends, or a coffee date with a new coworker, food is a simple and universal way to pursue connection with others.
  2. Food creates and evokes memories. I would venture to say that all of us have certain cherished memories that involve food. Food-related special memories for me include cherry pie and ribs at my grandparents’ over the 4th of July, the most-epic bison burger and brownie sundae after backpacking in the Rockies for 5 days, and my favorite dessert (chocolate bread pudding) at Christmas. I also enjoy looking for new ways to create food-related memories, such as with the homemade soup and bread I made this year for the first day of fall!

  3. Food gives us energy for life’s activities and adventures. Of course, food is also the fuel our bodies need for energy and to sustain life on a daily basis, whether we are running a marathon or sleeping! I am grateful for the way food sustains our lives – from the complexity of all of the biochemical pathways involved in turning food into bodily energy to the relief we feel when our hunger is satisfied, food is foundational to keeping our bodies going!
  4. Food can bring healing and health.  As a nutrition professional, I am also fascinated by and grateful for how food can be a basis for improved health and well-being. Ways I have seen that in my own life include eating more to heal physically from an eating disorder, eating certain foods to address a zinc deficiency, and adding in more fermented foods to help with gut microbiome and skin issues. Adding more fruits and veggies, eating enough protein/carbs/and fat, and eating regular meals and snacks are all such powerful ways to bring health and healing to our bodies!

  5. Food brings variety and spontaneity to life. Trying a new restaurant or cuisine, eating seasonally and with variety, and whipping up a random dinner creation with whatever I have on-hand in the fridge are all ways I like to experience variety and spontaneity in my life in regards to food. In the past month, I’ve had fun roasting delicata squash for the first time, making shakshuka several times (a Middle Eastern spiced tomato and egg dish), and trying a new pie recipe for Thanksgiving tomorrow! What’s more, eating with variety, fun, and spontaneity is a key way to get all the variety of nutrients our bodies need!

  6. Food also brings comfort and routine. While I certainly enjoy variety with food, I also am grateful for the comfort and routine food brings as well. I find it comforting to make a handful of the same recipes year after year, to have my mom make my favorite meals from growing up when I am home, and to enjoy yearly favorites at the holidays. I also like some routine with my food, such as making the same breakfast almost every day – this helps keep my life simpler and my mornings more streamlined.
  7. Food is the basis of many jobs and industries. On a practical note, I am grateful for pivotal role food plays in the economy and in many people’s financial and work lives. So many jobs have food at the center – farmers, waiters, cooks, chefs, dietitians, bakers, food bloggers, recipe developers, food scientists, food product manufacturers, baristas, grocery store workers… the list goes on!
  8. Food is a way to serve and love others. I am grateful for how food can be such an enjoyable and helpful way to love and care for others. Whether you are making a meal for a new mom, helping at a local food bank, or hosting an elaborate dinner party, I find preparing and serving food a fun and satisfying experience!

  9. Food can be very enjoyable and satisfying! I can’t neglect to mention that food often tastes wonderful! Something I am grateful for on a daily basis is being able to regularly enjoy tasty and delicious food. I am grateful for the time and resources I have to prepare food I love, as well as the occasional opportunity to enjoy a dinner out!
  10. Food is a way we can turn our hearts to God. The bible wisely tells us that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,” (James 1:17a) and that “so, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Food is one of God’s common graces to us, whether it is some toast with peanut butter for a snack or a special five-course meal. Not only did God create food, which we must eat regularly to stay alive, but He created it in such a way that it can be so enjoyable! Whatever we do, including eating and enjoying food, it is all ultimately meant to point us back to God in heart of gratitude.

What are you grateful for when it comes to food?

Also, if you have a favorite Thanksgiving recipe, feel free to share it in the comments!