Everyday Eats 8.24.22

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fabulous week so far. How is it already the end of summer?? I feel like this summer flew by even faster than usual. So far, my August has been filled with the busyness of transitions, work, and business logistics, as well as time outside soaking up the sun and a couple of weekends out of town.

We had the BEST long weekend up north in the Petoskey/Walloon Lake area for my oldest-known friend Ellen’s wedding! It was great spending time with old friends and enjoying the scenery up north.

Group of friends from high school. Shoutout to Ellen, the most stunning bride, and her amazing twin/maid of honor, Anna! 

Naturally, we must discuss the food at the wedding reception! The food was phenomenal and the main course was set up via three stations so everyone had a chance to try several different dishes. Highlights for me were the spinach and ricotta ravioli with corn puree and summer squash, peach and burrata salad with an amazing herbed dressing, and the decaf espresso martinis served on the dance floor! Yum!

What else has been tasty lately?? 

A couple weeks ago I made this delish strawberry crisp with peanut butter oatmeal cookie crumble. This is the kind of dessert you maybe wouldn’t have thought of on your own but need to make once the concept delightfully crosses your path! I made this for dinner at a friend’s house so brought along the chocolate drizzle for immediate topping before serving. Eaten alongside some vanilla ice cream, of course!

I have been obsessed with what was the seasonal salad at work for a few weeks. Seriously amazing! Featuring butter crunch lettuce, shredded zucchini/summer squash/carrots, the star of the salad – maple miso-glazed mushrooms, green onions, crushed peanuts, and a house-made carrot ginger dressing. 10 out of 10 stars!

Speaking of summer salads, another favorite work lunch of seasonal fruit, goat cheese, fennel, cucumber, and chicken over greens with house-made white balsamic. Gotta enjoy the summer produce while it’s still here for a few more weeks!

I tried a new-to-me recipe of peanut buddha bowls which had a blend of quinoa and rice, roasted carrots and broccoli, roasted chickpeas, a generous dash of crushed red pepper flakes, and the dreamiest peanut sauce. Will for sure be making this dish again! I imagine the peanut sauce would also taste excellent over chicken, as a salad dressing, or in a stir fry.

Enjoying peach season as much as I can! Usual breakfast of overnight oats, almond butter, honey, and fruit. What is your go-to breakfast??

New spicy noodle salad available as a prepared food item at Juicy Kitchen. We had some leftover from the week that I took home which Alec and I thoroughly enjoyed for dinner one night!

So much so that I had to continue the spicy noodle kick myself the following week! Thai curry soba noodle dish with a medley of veggies, edamame, plenty of cilantro, and a red curry sauce.

Our go-to Tuesday night dinner when we don’t have time to cook has been quinoa, roasted veggies, JK sun-dried tomato hummus, and grated parmesan. I roast the veggies and make the quinoa on Sunday so it is good-to-go for Tuesdays. Amazingly satisfying.

One more dinner to share… frittata with roasted sweet potato, jalapeño, red bell pepper, yellow onion, and cheddar cheese. Served alongside salad and cornbread smothered with butter and honey. Such a good summer meal!

Everyday Enjoyment:

Sunshine and (slightly) cooler weather: While it has still been in the 80s most days lately, it has cooled off a little compared to July and I have been loving the cooler temps in the mornings and consistent sunshine. I am really looking forward to fall but I will miss the warmer/sunnier mornings!

Ten days until Michigan Football: YES! We will be in Harpers Ferry, WV, so will of course be incorporating watching the game into our Saturday plans. One of the best parts of fall!

Never a bad time to reflect on the glorious victory over Ohio State last November.

August produce: With summer winding down, there are a few recipes I am trying to make while all the tasty summer produce is still here! The next week or two I have plans to make a peach + mango crisp, pulled chicken sandwiches, and peach cardamom muffins. I also would love to try this peach balsamic chicken!

What other summer recipes do I need to try??

I hope you enjoy the rest of the week!